Hayao Miyazaki on A.I.
“I feel like we are nearing the end of times. We humans are losing faith in ourselves.” Hayao Miyazaki's thoughts on an artificial intelligence
Homo-kink cartoonist & misanthrope. https://linktr.ee/pork
“I feel like we are nearing the end of times. We humans are losing faith in ourselves.” Hayao Miyazaki's thoughts on an artificial intelligence
I'm watching a live-stream from Al Jazeera of thousands of missiles being fired between two nuclear nations, Iran and Israel. This is horrific.
Listen to Noura Erakat talk about the hypocrisy of international law.
“This Card is an Abortion,” read a handful of business cards distributed by Mixl Laufer, a DIY biohacker, at a hacking conference in Queens Friday. Embedded in the cards are three doses of misoprostol, a medication that safely and effectively induces an abortion when properly used.
One of the best SCTV skits ever.
Oh I like this.
The Rowdies included many owners of distilleries, bars and brothels, and represented most of what the city was, especially as an outpost along the railroads. They existed in direct opposition to the Moral Party, which called for temperance and chastity. The two parties were also said to differ on approaches to civil engagement, and so where the Rowdies were the party of militant disorder, the Moral Party promoted law and order.
Source: Free and Rowdy Party – Wikipedia
This is the greatest economic and structural damage a climate event has ever caused in Brazil. Reckoning by the number of people affected and the material damage, the tragedy already surpasses the destruction that Hurricane Katrina inflicted on New Orleans in 2005.
The state and the capitalist mode of production are directly responsible for the devastation of the planet. They have cut down forests to make way for cattle, monoculture, and mining, degrading the soil with urban expansion. They are producing more and more catastrophes like the one that struck Rio Grande do Sul. Amid all the horror, we see the complete failure of the ruling class to care for our lives and our environment.
Watch the “Capitalismo” documentary: